Thank you for your confidence.
I know you'll improve.
I knew many years ago that traditional golf instruction had problems and I knew there were better ways to hit a golf ball. Using an Athletic Setup and Less Movement, I found that the Large Muscles winding from Top Down, then unwinding from Ground Up, could control the arms and club much better than the hands alone. Over the years, I’ve improved on quite a few of those traditional golf swing problems, and developed a much more consistent Setup and Golf Swing.
I would like to mention that my instruction is ongoing. All the different sources of information here, I acquired through many years of teaching and searching. Some through other professionals and other teachers. My goal is, and always has been, to minimize movement while maximizing accuracy and repeatability. When I find a better way, it does not mean what we were doing was wrong, just something works better and is more reliable.
There is a lot of information here. Please digest slowly. The best way to find answers or ask questions is in the Forums.
If you do a little crawling, then learn to walk… when it is time to run you’ll know what to expect, because you’ve put in the time and built a solid foundation… Ross